KB Studio of Faux Finishing

Koch Brothers Decorating, Inc.

6752 Olive Blvd.  St. Louis, MO  63130

Phone (314) 862-8383  Fax (314) 862-9839

kochbros@sbcglobal.net          www.kochbrosdecorating.com


Class Registration Form


Today’s Date:                                                  


Last Name:                                                            First Name                                                      MI         




City                                                                                 State                                           Zip                     


Daytime Phone                                                            Home Phone                                                            


Fax                                      Email                                          May we contact you by email? Y___ N___


Name of class you are registering for                                                                                                           


Date(s) of class you are registering for                                                                                                         


Who should we notify in case of emergency?

Name                                                                           Relationship                                                            


Phone #1                                                                      Phone #2                                                               


Your Background

1.      What is your experience with decorative finishing?                                                                                 

2.      Have you ever attended a faux or decorative finish school?                                                                    

      If so, what is the name of the schools you have attended?                                                                      

3.      Do you currently own or do you work for a decorative finish company?                                                 

      If so, what is the name of the company & location?                                                                               

4.      How did you hear about KB Studio?                                                                                                    

Magazine (Name of magazine)                                                      Home Show                                     

Brochure                          Internet                                 Referral                             Mailing                    

KB Studio of Faux Finishing

Koch Brothers Decorating, Inc.

6752 Olive Blvd.  St. Louis, MO  63130

Phone (314) 862-8383  Fax (314) 862-9839

kochbros@sbcglobal.net          www.kochbrosdecorating.com


Class Registration Form


Registration and Payment Information:  Please call our office to make sure there is availability.

Registration:  Early registration is advisable.  Receipt of your deposit ensures you a slot in our class. 

Deposit of 50% is required.  Balance is due prior to commencement of the first day of class.  You may mail or fax this registration form in or register online at www.kochbrosdecorating.com. 


Payment Information


Paying by check  Driver’s License #                                           Exp. Date                          State              


Paying by Credit Card       Visa                            Mastercard                               Discover                     

Card Number                                                                                                   Exp. Date                           

Name as it appears on card                                                                                                                        



Cancellation Policy:  You must cancel your registration in writing at least 14 days in advance.  Your deposit will be transferred to another scheduled class date or your account will be credited for product purchase or school credit.  Cancellations received less than 14 days in advance will result in a forfeit of the class deposit if not immediately transferred ton another scheduled class.  All deposits that are transferred or refunded will be subject to a $50.00 processing fee.


KB Studio reserves the right to cancel a class within two weeks of the scheduled class and a full refund of deposit will be refunded.  KB Studio reserves the right to alter the class curriculum at any time and reserves the right to refuse registration at any time.


Confirmation:  Upon receipt of your registration we will send you confirmation (via email or US mail) with detailed information. 


I have read and understand the above terms.



Signature                                                                                                         Date